Getting past the latest surge: Changes to Manhattan Sports Acupuncture's COVID-19 Safety Protocols3/9/2022 COVID-19 new infections and hospitalizations have been dropping significantly in New York. This is great news!
In light of this positive turn of events, many of you may have noticed Federal, State and City mandates have been loosening in response to these changes. While it is exciting to feel like we are starting to get ahead of the pandemic, it is important to keep in mind there are still some mandates in place. Specifically, face masks are still required in health care settings, including acupuncture clinics. Manhattan Sports Acupuncture's COVID-19 Safety Protocols have changed a bit too. Here is short review our current protocol. Manhattan Sports Acupuncture COVID-19 Safety Protocol
While these protocols do require some effort, I want to recognize they have been the reason I have not been infected by COVID-19 over that last two years. I find a lot of security in this and hope you do too.
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August 2024
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