The Non-surgical Face LiftFacial rejuvination acupuncture is a specific type of acupuncture treatment focused on improving the condition and appearance of the face and complexion. Often referred to as a "non-surgical" facelift, this type of treatment uses the principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine to specially improve circulation, moisture, radiance and muscle tone. In recent years, facial rejuviantion acupuncture has become more popular as people are looking for non-surgical, non-invasive options to improve their appearance. So far, a few styles of facial rejuvination acupuncture have become more readily available in the US. However these styles have not been very compelling to me. They often claim visible results require at least 10 sessions; they often require a lot of needles to be inserted in the face - and you know when I say they are using a lot of needles, they are using a lot of needles; and currently these types of treatments are often provided in a beauty salon type setting, which for me is not sterile enough for acupuncture. For these and other reasons, I had not pursued adding these services to my practice. Then in the spring of this year, I had the opportunity to learn from master practitioner Ooasa Sensei (Ooasa is her name, sensei is the title for a teacher) while studying abroad in Kyoto, Japan. Ooasa Sensei's style of facial rejuvination treatment is quick, efficient, and produced visibly noticable results immediately in the face of our beautiful 24 year young lady who volunteered to be our class model. I honestly didn't think anything meaningful could be done because she is so young and has beautiful skin. However, after a quick demonstration - not even a full treatment, our class model's facial shape became more symetrical, areas of swelling reduced, and her complexion became more even and luminous. And I was sold. Now you can experience Ooasa-style facial rejuvination at Manhattan Sports Acupuncture. Here are a few examples of before and after pictures from my class in Kyoto and some pictures of my lovely friends. (Thank you for permission to use your photos!!) A few helpful notes about booking a facial rejuvination treatment...
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